I had no idea how popular these bags would be! I've been carrying one all summer because my larger Bow and Pockets bag just wasn't needed during the summer. I didn't need to take books and papers back and forth from school and home. It has been a great bag, especially along with my Thirty-One wallet. The wallet has a place for my cards, coins and cash along with a pocket for my phone. I just throw my wallet, sunglasses and keys in the bag and I'm ready for a quick summer outing or errands. Here's a few examples of the bags I've made this summer. Until August 4, you can get a bag, including shipping for $24.95. After that, the price will be $29.95. So visit our store and order your bag before this special price is over.
(These bags all have new homes, but visit the store to see what is currently available. I'm also happy to fill special orders with specific colors, although I can't custom fill specific fabric patterns)